Cat Ownership and Longevity – Do Cats Help You Live Longer?

Pets bring great pleasure and companionship, but they also provide numerous physical and psychological advantages. According to one study conducted by the Minnesota Stroke Institute with 4000 cat owners, heart disease risk decreased and stroke risk reduced in them significantly.

Cats seem to help keep us healthier and happier for longer – either from laughing at their funny antics, or experiencing an increase in secretory immunoglobulin A due to petting them! It seems they keep us more nourished than we realize!

1. Cats Help You Stay Healthy

No matter the time of day or the length of the day, cats provide companionship that can keep us healthy. A study from Minnesota Stroke Institute demonstrated this fact with their discovery that cat owners were significantly less likely to die from cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes compared with people without cats.

Pet ownership may provide the calming effects that help relieve stress levels, increase happiness and well-being, as well as cause our bodies to release oxytocin, known for decreasing blood pressure and anxiety levels in humans.

Cats may help keep you healthy by incentivizing healthy habits. A cat needs regular care – including feeding and grooming – which may prompt you to develop healthier routines that support its own wellbeing. This is particularly true if you decide to adopt or rescue one from an animal shelter.

2. Cats Help You Deal With Stress

Purrs from your cat have been shown to reduce heart rate and blood pressure, acting as a powerful stress reliever and contributing to overall wellness.

Cats, much like humans, can experience feelings of stress due to changes in their routines such as travel to and from the vet, getting used to a new carrier or moving house – any one or all of these could put undue strain on a cat’s mental wellbeing and lead to feelings of anxiety and distress.

Companions such as cats can help ease feelings of loneliness and isolation that lead to health issues like depression. Stroking and petting cats has also been shown to boost secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), the body’s natural defense against germs; thus resulting in less visits to doctors than non-cat owners for chronic diseases like fibromyalgia; this calming effect of cats provides motivation to stay active!

3. Cats Help You Stay Connected

Relationships formed between humans and cats, especially shyer felines, often provide emotional comfort when times get tough. Studies have demonstrated how purring calms nervous systems, while petting releases oxytocin which reduces stress and anxiety levels.

Cats also help facilitate human bonding time by encouraging the two of you to spend quality time together. Cats don’t require much space in which to interact and play; simply playing hide and seek or engaging in an intense game of chase the red dot can provide both of you with hours of entertainment!

Cats make great companions for busy lifestyles because they tend to be more independent than dogs and don’t need as much exercise; and given that cats often live for several decades after becoming part of your home, owning one could provide many years of companionship for yourself and your furry pal!

4. Cats Help You Stay Motivated

Purring cats provide soothing sounds that have the power to ease even the toughest issues, from stress and anxiety relief to improved nightly rest. Research shows that people living with cats tend to sleep better overall.

Studies have also demonstrated that people who own cats tend to feel less lonely; their furry companions make them feel needed and appreciated. Cats also make excellent companions for grieving individuals, helping them move past the loss of a loved one more quickly; those in mourning find comfort talking openly with their pet about their emotions without judgment or solutions being presented back at them.

Cats require less maintenance than dogs, who require walks and grooming services, making them perfect for busy lifestyles or older adults who find socialization challenging. Caring for a cat also establishes a routine and encourages healthy habits like sleeping well and eating healthily; additionally, cat owners tend to visit their doctor less frequently than non-cat owners.

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